When I have a girl
by J Best

I will make her a woman who respects
herself, symmetrical or not, ugly or crooked teethed. I will
make her a wild woman, too sassy and aloof to
let boys take advantage of her while
watching Rocky Horror, too filled with righteous anger to
let boys call her breast, or worst, or beast. She'll be
able to speak before a nightmare follows her to sleep. Ready to say "No," and "Yes" if it pleases
____her to do so.
And I'll tell her every day that she's better than gold, treat her to a mirror filled with the hope of what she sees, never saying that when I was her age
I knew every imperfection that surgeons make money fixing. Barbie, look out for my girl someday because she'll be wise to your plastic lies. For birthdays she'll request
real things like diaries and puppies. At dinner
she'll speak of technology and politics, at dessert she'll
be ready to debate stem cell ethics. And you, popular image
____of what she should become, you can wait
and watch yourself lose another one to a strong woman who you thought you had a better hold on.

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