Red River Review

Warren Gossett[

Warren Gossett is an Idaho native, having spent most of his adult career in print journalism. Post polio syndrome forced his retirement from the occupations he once enjoyed, but he is now a full-time artist, painting and selling oil landscape and still-life paintings. He is relatively new to free verse poetry and is "feeling" his way along. He has been writing and had his Japanese short form poetry published in Simply Haiku, The Heron's Nest, Notes from the Gean, Frogpond, Haigaonline, Haiku Harvest, World Haiku Review, TinyWords, Mainichi Daily News, Clouds Peak, and has participated in several collaborations. Warren lives in Twin Falls, Idaho with his wife Janet and their four dogs, Jax, Kara, Maxie and Chewy.

Email Warren Gossett to respond to this work.

Warren Gossett has a web site located at http://www.thecrowandthemoon.com. Please feel free to visit this site!

-- All works by Warren Gossett published in Red River Review --
The Strawberry Patch 42. FEBRUARY 12