1 | Errand by Jeff Arnett |
2 | Wild Poppies by Sandy Benitez |
3 | An Hour by Travis Blair |
4 | Quaaludes by Travis Blair |
5 | The New Apartment by Sander Blome |
6 | Bad Fall by Jonathan Bolick |
7 | Instinct by Antonia Clark |
8 | Landlady #3 by Tobi Cogswell |
9 | After the Water by Bebe Cook |
10 | Morning Rationalization by Jim Davis |
11 | Dish Set by Anna Donovan |
12 | Meditation by David Filer |
13 | Evening Passage by Bridget Gage-Dixon |
14 | Winning the Pulitzer by Zach Gomes |
15 | A New Home by Taylor Graham |
16 | Where are you suppose to go with your plastic bags by Niels Hav |
17 | Wild Rabbits by Doug Hiser |
18 | Paper Plate by Alicia Hoffman |
19 | The Madwoman Sits by Ann Howells |
20 | We Watched the Lights by Jason Irwin |
21 | Spider web by Oritsegbemi Emmanuel Jakpa |
22 | Eating Up Time by Charles Kesler |
23 | WILLIE'S BOOK DISTRIBUTOR by Charles Kesler |
24 | Home by Emily Kurn |
25 | Will The Angels Please Take Note by David LaBounty |
26 | Faulty Replacement by Paula LaCour |
27 | In Contrast by Elizabeth McBride |
28 | sometimes by JB Mulligan |
29 | Diving Below the Dam by Nick Norwood |
30 | Main Street, from the Water Tower by Nick Norwood |
31 | Baby Eating Watermelon Very Funny by John O'Reilly |
32 | Despite His Love by Neal Ostman |
33 | Fold by Puma Perl |
34 | When The Slut Stripped by Ashok Rajamani |
35 | Variable Star by Ysabel de la Rosa |
36 | Snake by Paul J. Sampson |
37 | Can You Read Blackberries? by Rufus A. Skeens |
38 | A Family Reduced by Ian C Smith |
39 | Lex Luthor writes a farewell letter to Superman by Alex Stolis |
40 | Smashed by Karen Stromberg |
41 | Highway 110 by Benjamin Sutton |
42 | That Indie Edge by Elizabeth Kate Switaj |
43 | It will happen this Monday between landings two and three by Abigail F. Taylor |
44 | An Old Fart Remembers by Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue |
45 | Questioning the Typing Teacher by Scott Wiggerman |
46 | Justice by Winston Willis |
47 | Location, Location, Location by Ralph Tejeda Wilson |
48 | Odysseus and the Answering Machine by Robert Wynne |