1 | Albatross by Jeanetta Calhoun Mish |
2 | An Ekphrasis on Stan Herd's Kansas (Kaw) River Levee Below Bowersock Dam, Lawrence, KS (1988). by Jeanetta Calhoun Mish |
3 | Contemplating Cronehood by Jeanetta Calhoun Mish |
4 | Epithalamion for My Boyfriend’s Marriage to the Older Woman He Left Me For by Jeanetta Calhoun Mish |
5 | The Smell of Love by Jeanetta Calhoun Mish
6 | Late Summer Roses by Gavin Austin |
7 | The Healer by Travis Blair |
8 | paul kane has bit the dust by Séamas Carraher |
9 | All Hallows Eve by Joan Colby |
10 | Dialogues by Chet Corey |
11 | Bite of The Apple by Terri Lynn Cummings |
12 | Witch Five by Richard Dinges, Jr. |
13 | The Breeze by Richard Dixon |
14 | The Alzheimer's Paient's Last Loss by Robert Ferrier |
15 | Pelicans on Lake Keystone by Ken Hada |
16 | With the Owls by Ken Hada |
17 | A View of Life Through the Lens of Cancer by Hank Jones |
18 | Waiting on the PET Scan by Hank Jones |
19 | Upon Visiting the National WWI Museum by Paul Juhasz |
20 | On Robert Frost by Bonnie Kennedy |
21 | Honeycomb Blues by Michael Keshigian |
22 | City of Trees by Steve Klepetar |
23 | We Hear It Again by Peter Micic |
24 | Happy, Naked and Drunk by Karla K. Morton |
25 | I’ve left a lot of Pretty Panties in a lot of Pretty Places: by Karla K. Morton |
26 | Louisville Turnaround by Karla K. Morton |
27 | Comfort by Laurence Musgrove |
28 | Each Morning by Laurence Musgrove |
29 | Dandelions by Jared Pearce |
30 | Letter To The Editor Of The Walking Dead Comic Book As A Prose Sonnet by Juan Perez |
31 | What We Talk About When We Talk About Sex by Charles Rammelkamp |
32 | The Departure by Mary Redman |
33 | Winter by Loretta Diane Walker |
34 | Dreams by Sarah Webb |
35 | Pavement Abyss by Diane Webster |
36 | My Wife's Ashes Are in a Box by Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue |
37 | Winter Reveals by Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue |
38 | Alexander Pope Sings the Blues by Clarence Wolfshohl |
39 | Love song of the Waco mammoth... by June Zaner |
40 | After hurricane Ike, reburying the dead...... by June Zaner |
41 | An Etching by Richard Zaner |
42 | In the Gentle of a Morning Fair by Richard Zaner |