Red River Review

Our featured poet for
November 2017 is Jeanetta Calhoun Mish.

1Albatross by Jeanetta Calhoun Mish
2An Ekphrasis on Stan Herd's Kansas (Kaw) River Levee Below Bowersock Dam, Lawrence, KS (1988). by Jeanetta Calhoun Mish
3Contemplating Cronehood by Jeanetta Calhoun Mish
4Epithalamion for My Boyfriend’s Marriage to the Older Woman He Left Me For by Jeanetta Calhoun Mish
5The Smell of Love by Jeanetta Calhoun Mish
6Late Summer Roses by Gavin Austin
7The Healer by Travis Blair
8paul kane has bit the dust by Séamas Carraher
9All Hallows Eve by Joan Colby
10 Dialogues by Chet Corey
11Bite of The Apple by Terri Lynn Cummings
12Witch Five by Richard Dinges, Jr.
13The Breeze by Richard Dixon
14The Alzheimer's Paient's Last Loss by Robert Ferrier
15Pelicans on Lake Keystone by Ken Hada
16With the Owls by Ken Hada
17A View of Life Through the Lens of Cancer by Hank Jones
18Waiting on the PET Scan by Hank Jones
19Upon Visiting the National WWI Museum by Paul Juhasz
20On Robert Frost by Bonnie Kennedy
21Honeycomb Blues by Michael Keshigian
22City of Trees by Steve Klepetar
23We Hear It Again by Peter Micic
24Happy, Naked and Drunk by Karla K. Morton
25I’ve left a lot of Pretty Panties in a lot of Pretty Places: by Karla K. Morton
26Louisville Turnaround by Karla K. Morton
27Comfort by Laurence Musgrove
28Each Morning by Laurence Musgrove
29Dandelions by Jared Pearce
30Letter To The Editor Of The Walking Dead Comic Book As A Prose Sonnet by Juan Perez
31What We Talk About When We Talk About Sex by Charles Rammelkamp
32The Departure by Mary Redman
33Winter by Loretta Diane Walker
34Dreams by Sarah Webb
35Pavement Abyss by Diane Webster
36My Wife's Ashes Are in a Box by Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue
37Winter Reveals by Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue
38Alexander Pope Sings the Blues by Clarence Wolfshohl
39 Love song of the Waco mammoth... by June Zaner
40After hurricane Ike, reburying the dead...... by June Zaner
41An Etching by Richard Zaner
42In the Gentle of a Morning Fair by Richard Zaner

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Banner pictures of the Red River contributed by Bob McCranie & David Kozlowski. Used with permission.