Good Mourning
by Vineet

Trading extremes while desperate for moderation,
living in the suitcases others left behind;
was future fatigue the reason to dread rejuvenation?
Is that why at dawn you draw the blinds?

Did you make an unwilling promise of never
and hoped what you lost you’d never find?
Did sinking in ignorance seem the only way clever?
Is that why at dawn you draw the blinds?

These fort walls on four sides that your safeties mentor,
din’t they whimper for room - for a door of some kind?
Because there no one can leave where no one can enter,
is that why at dawn you draw the blinds?

Squandered years with tears and then tears with years,
are those tapes rolling in involuntary rewind?
Because when light gathers as the darkness clears
It seems that at dawn you chose to draw the blinds…

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