by Karen Bingham Pape
We held each other then as towers collapsed
As faith was tilted for an interval
The world cracked open like a fragile vase.
And stricken souls rose from a rain of ash
Into a sphere we could never track
We held each other then as towers collapsed
Songs were sung , poems were written, last
Rites were roll-called at the memorium
The world cracked open like a fragile vase
And roses turned black iconoclasts
As petals sped around the world and back
We held each other then as towers collapsed
Blinded by a moment's fiery flash
Then the snow globe of white and black
The world cracked open like a fragile vase
Bodies fell and people ran and then at last
As faith was tilted for an interval
We held each other then as towers collapsed
The world cracked open like a fragile vase.
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