Another Mistake
by Laurence Musgrove

Unlike you, I’ve made lots of mistakes.
These usually have to do with thinking
My body should do what it shouldn’t.
Oh, yeah, just go ahead, you can lift that.
No problem, the water can’t be that cold.
Sure, it’s a left turn, don’t you trust me?
And then that time I somehow believed
Playing football would be a good idea.
It didn’t take me long in seventh grade
To find myself at 90 pounds in a helmet
A size or two too big, playing right guard
For the Spring Oaks Junior High Panthers.
And I’m crouched down in my stance
Across from the biggest kid they got,
And he says, I’m gonna kill you, asshole,
And I’m thinking what an unkind thing
To say to a kid whose coach just told him,
You can’t wear those glasses out there.

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