Red River Review

Our featured poet for February 2013 is
Robert Wynne...

1First Texas Thanksgiving by Robert Wynne
2Really Breathing by Robert Wynne
3Thinking about how Dad used to Sweep Up after Circuses at the Portland Memorial Coliseum by Robert Wynne
4To His Mistress by Robert Wynne
5“Mother Tosses Three Children into San Francisco Bay” by Robert Wynne
6Endearing Rats by D.M Aderibigbe
7Pencil Thoughts by Andrea L. Alterman
8Flamenco Fun by Jessica Bell
9Looking Back by Frances Briggs
10Eastland by Joan Colby
11Bat Thoughts by Chris Crittenden
12A cry for a witness by Shakira Croce
13Suspicious Finding by Mark Danowsky
14Liminal by Jim Davis
15Pool Shark by Terri Kirby Erickson
16On Visiting My Mother near Roundout, NY by Ellen Factor
17Poets of a Dead Language by Richard Fenwick
18Sometimes Ireland by Ray Greenblatt
19Festooning the Ft. Reno Cemetery by Carol Hamilton
20Virginity by Jordan Jamison
21Wire Hanger by B.J. Jones
22The Woman Who Danced on the Head of a Pin by Steve Klepetar
23Troop 102, Class 8: Knots by Wade Martin
24Pre-Diction by Karla Linn Merrifield
25Lost Souls by Mark Murphy
26Grief calling by Barrie Neller
27Night in the Woods by Anderson O'Brien
28Sunshine by Hugo Pilkington
29Cardinalis (“Serving as a hinge”) by Bill Richard
30Foreign Language by Heather K. Robinson
31Body Clock by Jeff Santosuosso
32Taste by Nancy Simpson-Younger
33The News by Ian C Smith
34BRANDO (A 1951 PHOTOGRAPH) by J.R. Solonche
35Upon The News that He Will No Longer Have the Only House on His Dead-End Road in the Mountains of SW PA by Kevin C Stewart
36The Slowest Self-Therapy in the World by Karen Stromberg
37Suicide Bomber by Larry D. Thomas
38The Beautiful Curse by Larry D. Thomas
39Muse by Emily Troia
40Opening Drawers by Loretta Diane Walker
41Stick Figures by Diane Webster
42Cruising in Texas by Christine Wenk-Harrison
43A Holocaust by John Sibley Williams

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Banner pictures of the Red River contributed by Bob McCranie & David Kozlowski. Used with permission.