Red River Review

Our featured poet for May 2015 is Dorothy Alexander

1A Drinking Life by Dorothy Alexander
2Invisible Woman by Dorothy Alexander
3My Mother Wanted by Dorothy Alexander
4Testosterone Blues by Dorothy Alexander
5The Snake is Not the Problem by Dorothy Alexander
6Why I Hate Wal-Mart by Dorothy Alexander
7Gas Mask by Chris Bays
8Assumptions by Rose Mary Boehm
9Boy at the Wake by Jerry H. Brown
10Cosmo’s Wigs by Michael Catherwood
11Deportations by Joan Colby
12A Trilogy for Bread by Alice Collinsworth
13Shucking Corn by Corey D. Cook
14Friends by Sandy Coomer
15Endurance by Rachel Crawford
16Grey Abbey, N. Ireland by Terri Lynn Cummings
17River by Robert L. Dean, Jr.
18I Saw the Tornado, But by Ryan Favata
19The Palmer Method and Dick and Jane by Carol Hamilton
20A Thousand Miles Beyond the Art Museum by Patricia L. Hamilton
21Buttermilk by Chera Hammons
22Karma by Michelle Hendrixson-Miller
23Chances Are by Ann Howells
24Glorie by Ann Howells
25Rule of Leg by Ann Howells
26After the Relapse by Laurie Kolp
27It’s Mathematical by Laurie Kolp
28Another Penalty by Joseph Lisowski
29Colleagues, After Thirty Years by Anne McCrady
30Doc by Ralph Monday
31In the Edit Suite by Aparna Nandakumar
32The Bluejay Scolds by Laura Pena
33 Tzedakah by Charles Rammelkamp
34Roll in the tide by Ivan G Rehorek
35Belgrade Station by Russell Rowland
36Inconvenient Cemetary by Sarah Russell
37Colonoscopy by Ibrahim Ibn Salma
38The Love of Nine Years Old by Jeff Santosuosso
39Female Anatomy Specific by Yvette A. Schnoeker-Shorb
40Where Animals Gather by Dawn Schout
41Consciousness and Oblivion by Ken W Simpson
42Omen by Alarie Tennille
43In the Deep by Loretta Diane Walker
44Painbirds IX by Ashley Warren
45Losing The Foxes by Jeffrey Warzecha
46Reservoir by Marilyn Westfall
47In Front of La Gare de Lyon (Paris, France, August 1974) by Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue
48Tempel 1 by Philip Wolff
49Tattoo Palimpsest by Clarence Wolfshohl
50Where Have the Jackalopes Gone? by Clarence Wolfshohl

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Banner pictures of the Red River contributed by Bob McCranie & David Kozlowski. Used with permission.